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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Welcome to the Sawley Infant and Nursery school SEND pages


Here you will find information on what we offer to children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)  

and give you contact details for people who you can talk to if you have any concerns about your child. 


Please see the SEND report below for information about SEND provision at Sawley Infant & Nursery School.  More information about SEND support can be found on the Willows Academy Trust website.  If you have any concerns about your child's needs either before they join us or during their time with us, please contact the headteacher or your child's class teacher in the first instance and they will be happy to discuss these with you and explain what support and provision is available.    Our SEND Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs R Morley (

Sawley SEND Policy

Derbyshire Local Offer

We work closely with Local Authorities to identify and support children with SEND and their families.  The SEND Local Offer is a resource which is designed to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. It describes the services and provision that are available both to those families that have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and those who do not have a plan, but still experience some form of special educational need. The SEND Local Offer includes information about public services across education, health and social care, as well as those provided by the private, voluntary and community sectors.  You can find out more about the SEND Local Offer by following this link: Derbyshire Local Offer


Concerns or complaints 

If you wish to contact us with any concerns about the support provided by our school, please contact the SENCO or headteacher in the first instance (see Contact Details) and we will do our best to address your concerns.  If you wish to raise a complaint about the support we provide, please access the Willows Academy Trust Complaints Policy by following the link to our WAT policies here.  This explains the procedure to be followed.  Alternatively please contact the school office and we will email you a copy of the policy or provide a hard copy version.  

Ask a question about SEND

If you have a question regarding SEND please feel free to get in touch.
