ONE Academy Trust is a charitable limited company registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 09093035
Registered Head Office: Sawley Junior School, Wilmot Street. Long Eaton, Nottingham. NG10 3DQ
The following information can be found on the ONE Academy Trust website.
Financial management (annual trustees' report and audited accounts)
Memorandum of Association
Articles of Association
Governance - including the names of the charity trustees and members
Funding agreement and any supplemental funding agreements
Details of the trust's accounting officer (Graham Boyd - CEO)
Number of employees (and payees with off payroll arrangements) whose annual salary and benefits exceeded £100k in £10k bandings, for the previous year ended 31 August.
ONE Academy Trust trust-wide policies
Privacy Notices and Data Protection Information
Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Trade Union Facilities Time Report
Freedom of Information Scheme