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Equality & Diversity and Accessibility

At Sawley Infant and Nursery School, we are committed to enriching children’s early years. We aim to help them to feel proud of their unique identities, celebrate similarities and differences and participate fully in school life.   

Staff and governors work together with the school community to provide an inclusive and nurturing learning environment in which everyone is enabled to Sparkle and Shine.  


We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 (DFE Advice: May 2014) to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations in relation to protected characteristics:

  • age, disability, ethnicity, religion and belief, sex, gender and relationships (including gender reassignment, sexual identity, orientation, pregnancy or maternity-related issues)


Our current Equality Objectives are:


  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment, or victimisation:
  • To improve understanding of equality and diversity principles and raise the profile of core values for all members of the school community
  • To promote representation and celebration of diversity to educate against discrimination and/or prejudice.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people:
  • To analyse protected characteristics for employee data and evaluate staff wellbeing to advance equality of opportunity for all.
  • To ensure curriculum provision and environment meets the needs of all children including ambition for disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND.
  • Foster good relations across all characteristics:
  • To review policies and practices to ensure ongoing compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and eliminate potential discrimination.
  • To increase engagement with pupils and families eligible for disadvantaged funding to strengthen provision and narrow attainment gaps.


We review our Equality and Diversity policy and progress against our current equality objectives annually to ensure that we comply with all aspects of the public sector equality duty. These are reported in our Equality Duty Information Report


Our Accessibility Policy and Accessibility Action Plan help to ensure that we have an inclusive environment and strategic approach to provide a safe environment for all who are part of our school community.   We welcome parental and community input on equality, diversity, and accessibility and work in partnership to make reasonable, necessary, and appropriate adjustments wherever possible to support everyone to Sparkle and Shine.  


Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any queries relating to access in and around the school or if you need assistance during a visit. 

