The directors of Willows Academy Trust last consulted on the admissions arrangements for Sawley Infant & Nursery School in Autumn 2022 for admissions in 2024/25, in accordance with the statutory requirement set out in the School Admissions Code for schools to consult on their admissions arrangements every 7 years. The consultation ran from 21 October 2022 to 9 December 2022. No responses were received. As the admissions authority for Willows Academy Trust, the Board of Directors agreed that no change would be made to the admissions arrangements for Sawley Infant & Nursery School for 2024/25
The Willows Academy Trust Admissions Policy and the admissions arrangements for Sawley Infant & Nursery School are available here on our school website and on the Willows Academy Trust website. Copies are available on request.
If you wish to comment on the current admission arrangements please contact:
Diane Dakin (clerk to the Board of Directors)
c/o Sawley Junior School
Wilmot Street
Long Eaton
NG10 3DQ