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Governing Body

We are currently rearranging our website.  For information on our Governing Body, please click the link here

About us...

Sawley Infant and Nursery School Local Governing body (LGB) is a committee of the ONE Academy Trust Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees has delegated responsibility to the LGB to fulfil governance functions related to Sawley Infant & Nursery School.  These are set out in our Scheme of Delegation and our Terms of Reference (copies available on the WAT website). You can also find out more information about our Members and Trustees on the website. 


Our chair of the Board of Trustees is Dr P Dean who can be contacted via the clerk to the Trust Board - Diane Dakin (


This diagram illustrates our organisational structure and where the Local Governing Body fits in.

Please note: Willows Academy Trust has recently welcomed four additional primary schools and renamed as ONE Academy Trust (effective 1 Sept 2023).  We are currently re-branding all our policies and documents etc. so please bear with us as we make the necessary changes and launch our new ONE Academy Trust website. 



The Local Governing Body (LB) consists of up to 10 members and a clerk to governors.  Our staff, parent, community and associate governors work together with a common goal; to provide the best possible school environment and education for our children here in Sawley Infant & Nursery School.


All school governing bodies have 3 main roles:

  • to provide strategic direction for the school;
  • to act as a critical friend to the headteacher; and
  • to ensure accountability.


We take pride in working to support the staff and children so that our school can provide a safe, caring and stimulating learning environment where every child can realise his or her potential.

We hold full governing body meetings at least three times during the school year. We also meet as and when required to engage with the school community, fulfil our monitoring role and support the school.     

We also keep a record of our business and pecuniary interests to ensure that potential conflicts of interest are clearly identified and managed appropriately.  Details of these can be found below.

Register of Pecuniary & Personal Interests

Would you like to become a school governor? We have vacancies!


Vacancies for parent governors and community governors arise from time to time and we always welcome hearing from you if you are interested in either role. 


We currently have vacancies for governors.  Please see the information below. There is also more information about the role of governors in the Meet the Governors section of our website.  Being a governor is a voluntary role.  It can be enjoyable, challenging and rewarding and our governors have a real part to play in making our school successful and supporting our children to sparkle & shine. 


Community governors are appointed by governors for the skills they can contribute to the governing board. The school has an appointment process for community governors which includes completing an application form, having a short interview and visiting the school.  This provides an opportunity for both you and the school to make an informed decision about your potential appointment.  The governing board will also take up references before confirming their decision to appoint.  To strengthen the skills profile of the board, we are particularly seeking skills/experience in the following areas: the early years foundation stage (EYFS); any of our core subjects (English, maths or science); or health and safety.  However, the most important requirement is your commitment to the school, teamworking and a willingness to contribute to the board.   


Our parent governors are elected by parents.  They bring their experience of being a parent to the governing board.  No special qualifications are needed; the most important thing is to want to support the school and to be prepared to play an active part in the governing body’s work.  



If you are interested, please read the information on our website 'Could you become a governor?which gives more information about the role.  Please also read the important information on 'Eligibility' which outlines the circumstances under which someone cannot serve as a governor. All governor appointments are subject to statutory checks for eligibility including an enhanced DBS check.


How to apply to be a Community Governor

Community governors are appointed for the skills they can contribute to the governing body. The school has an appointment process for community governors which includes completing an application form, having a short interview and visiting the school.  This provides an opportunity for both you and the school to make an informed decision about your potential appointment.  The school will also take up references before confirming their decision to appoint. 


If you have any queries about this process or would like to find out more about the role, please email Diane Dakin, the clerk to the governors, at or telephone the school office and leave your contact details and we will get back to you.   
