PE Curriculum
At Sawley Infant and Nursery School, our PE curriculum is planned in termly units. We have strategically reviewed the PE Curriculum and Scheme materials, based on the National Curriculum, to identify Core Categories of learning and clarify Key Aspects for Infant PE which support our REAL curriculum offer. The Sawley PE Curriculum Overview can be viewed as a whole in the following PDF format, and the individual elements are expanded on below.
Overarching aims for Physical Education (PE)
At Sawley Infant and Nursery School, our curriculum is inclusive and allows all pupils to access a range of physical activities; enabling and encouraging pupils to be physically active. We encourage pupils to be active throughout P.E. lessons and employ creativity and imagination in their techniques, tactics, and choreography.
We ensure all pupils have opportunities to practice and take part in different activities individually, in small groups, and in teams, applying skills to achieve high levels of performance. We support pupils to collaborate and cooperate as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equality of play to embed life-long values of sportsmanship.
Physical Education at Sawley Infant and Nursery School links to PSHE and helps to develop pupils’ physical literacy, helping them to learn about their bodies, the importance of healthy lifestyles, self-expression, decision-making, and social skills.
At Sawley Infant & Nursery School, we outline our curriculum intent for each Key Aspect of P.E. The chosen Key Aspects are also used to track coverage, progression and monitor the impact of our curriculum. Icons have been chosen to represent Key Aspects of the PE curriculum and will be used as dual coding to support cognition and categorisation over time, in lessons, across the curriculum and in the wider school environment. We have considered, and made links to show, how Key Aspects of PE are underpinned by the EYFS framework as a secure foundation for KS1, and how this scaffolds future learning in KS2 for our children.
Sawley Infant and Nursery School Infant School provide a PE curriculum that carefully plans for progression and depth of skills through a series of lessons.
In KS1, pupils take part in two sessions of physical activity each week which provide challenging and enjoyable learning activities through a range of sporting activities, such as games, net and wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, and dance. We make cross-curricular links to other subjects, for example exploring themes and rhythm of music within Dance.
The EYFS has one formal PE session a week alongside the environmental physical environment of the EYFS curriculum. This focuses on fundamental movement skills, whereas KS1 move into more specific skills for sports and apply these in game situations.
Pupils are taught about how to handle equipment and move safely within gymnastics and games. Within lessons, there is an emphasis on pupils being able to achieve their personal best, building resilience. Pupils are taught how to play fairly, creating a sense of teamwork, friendship and respect.
Ongoing evidence of pupil’s attainment is captured and shared as photos or videos on Class Dojo. The PE Subject Leader is responsible for overall monitoring of the quality of PE and physical activity provision, alongside the Senior Leadership Team.
We monitor PE curriculum delivery through staff subject reviews and pupil self-evaluation in order to provide an accurate perspective on how PE is being delivered and how it can be further improved.
Physical Education may be monitored and evaluated through: