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Our Lesson Approach – TBQ! (The Big Question!)


At Sawley Infant and Nursery School, we use a question-based approach, called TBQ! to introduce and structure learning. We know that reasoning is key to effective teaching and learning, and we encourage children to identify and explore keywords and concepts when considering questions and answers.

In the Early Years, pupils have 'questions for the week' and begin to recognise how they can answer these through ongoing teaching and activities linked to topics. Children are encouraged to build their understanding of questioning, exploring and developing a sense of curiosity. They are introduced to the concept of questions and answers, question words, and the question mark symbol.

In Key Stage One, the lesson aims are shared with pupils as ‘The big question'. Key vocabulary is highlighted and discussed to build understanding. Children make notes through each stage of the lesson as they learn, with support from the teacher. These include visual aids and prompts to revisit and refer back to prior learning. This is helped by the use of simple symbols for dual coding to support cognitive load. Pupils reflect, self-assess and answer the question at the end of the lesson. Through the TBQ! approach, children are given the context for learning and are able to identify the key points, link and discuss their own learning journeys, what they are learning, and what they need to achieve in a lesson.


Our Termly Structure (The sparkle and shine learning journey!)


We plan...

The children ...

So they are...


ignite a spark

Activities which ‘hook’ children’s attention with memorable experiences, setting the scene and providing a relevant context for learning

Ask questions, explore, demonstrate curiosity, have new experiences, experience excitement, surprise, interest and explore using their senses

  • adventurous
  • curious
  • excited



Skill and knowledge development linked to the theme.  Acquisition of new skills, application of prior learning and core skills

Learn in different ways, be introduced to new information, ideas, skills or concepts, follow instructions, practice, consolidate and embed learning

  • hard working
  • purposeful
  • resilient



Imaginative scenarios for creative thinking. Exploration, investigation and risk taking. Opportunities for collaboration and problem solving.

Make and create, experience trial and error, have ‘eureka moments’, take part in practical activities which encourage participation, collaboration, reasoning and problem solving

  • imaginative
  • inventive
  • creative



Reflect on learning, share, celebrate learning and identify next steps.

Present, perform, demonstrate, publish, exhibit, make, sell, market, produce, guide, tour and celebrate

  • confident
  • articulate
  • reflective

(and proud!)

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