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Welcome to Opal Class Booklet

Class Dojo

Keep up to date of what is happening in our class by going to the 'Class Dojo'.

All you have to do is have your log in and you can keep up to date with what is happening in class using the 'Class Stories'. You can message your child's class teacher here too (if it is urgent, please contact school via the usual channels). Using the portfolios section, you can send in your child's work for the teacher to review.


Purple Mash

We use Purple Mash to help us with our learning at school but it is also great for practising skills at home too. There are great activities that the children can do to develop their learning and understanding across a range of subjects. The children have their own log in (in their home/school diary) that they can access at school or at home.



We use Lexia at school and encourage children to practise at home too. Lexia is a reading and phonic development programme that tailors the level of challenge to each individual child. Pupils work through the levels completing the challenges and receive a certificate when they complete all the activities within a level. It provides additional challenge and support within the programme to suit each child's needs.

