Maths Curriculum
The curriculum for Mathematics at Sawley Infant and Nursery School is designed to ensure that children have the best grounding in Mathematics, preparing them for later life whilst reflecting the content of the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Frameworks.
We recognise that Maths is a core subject within the National Curriculum and essential for educational progress. To shape our Curriculum at Sawley Infant and Nursery School, we have identified core strands in Mathematics and broken these down into ‘I can’ statements of learning. These follow the 2014 National Curriculum guidance for KS1 and build on recommended learning included in the 2020 EYFS Framework.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, our children will be provided with lots of exciting opportunities through planned purposeful play and a mix of adult-led and child-led learning to improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems and to describe shapes, space, and measure.
At Key Stage 1, lessons are planned using ‘The Big Question’ approach (TBQ!), breaking questions down to focus on key chunks of learning and specific vocabulary, which supports Mathematical ways of working and helps to develop questioning and enquiry skills.